The pipeline guys: podcast #0
We made it! After some thinking and re-thinking and troubles to find a time, format, and people, just a few days before the end of 2021, me and my friend…
We made it! After some thinking and re-thinking and troubles to find a time, format, and people, just a few days before the end of 2021, me and my friend…
Hey folks! 2021 is closing to an end, and, as you can see in the post frequency, I was really busy and involved in some important working and non-working activities.…
The 5th of October is the official start of VMworld 2021. As told in the previous post for the second year the event is going to happen virtually around the…
VMworld 2021 is opening the doors! Like the past year, due to the health worldwide emergency, the event is happening virtually again. So, from 5th to 7th October, keynotes, sessions,…
Some weeks are passed since the event… but it’s not too late to write some highlights on what I’ve seen during the presentations of the last two days of Cloud…
The first day at Cloud Field Day 11 has seen three interesting presenters Hazelcast, Morpheus, and MinIO. I take the advantage of the European timezone to start writing this post…
After one month from the launch of the new storage line of product, Alletra, it’s time to talk about the upcoming event HPE Discover 2021 that will take place in…
May the force be with HPE! Yes, on Star Wars Day (4th May), Hewlett Packard Enterprise announced a new storage line of products, HPE Alletra and HPE Data Service Cloud…
Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) instances are resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It reduces the time required to obtain and boot new server instances to minutes, and provides the…
The need to protect and recover infrastructure is still a mission-critical task for all IT departments of every sized company. Either service are on-premises or in the cloud, the theme…
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