Another show with another exclusive guest happened at “ThePipelineGuys” for the fourth episode: Enrico Signoretti commented with us on the companies and the solutions presented in CloudFiledDay 13.
CloudFieldDay 13
In a lot of posts, I already talked about TechFieldDay and, in particular, on the vendors and solutions presented in some CloudFieldDay. After two years of “Virtual Edition”, this format is backing to the origins, with dense days for delegates to run up and down the Silicon Valley and the ability to meet in person the other delegates and the people that are presenting their solutions.
During the podcast, Enrico spent some words about all presenting companies:
NetApp, Pure Storage, and VMware are transforming their portfolio in order to stay aligned with the recent market requests. One word: DevOps. In fact, the new trend for new and old companies is in the cloud, leaving the pure infrastructure investment only for what it’s still not possible or not convenient to move in the cloud. But going to the cloud keeping the same good experience of managing storage and infrastructure in general without taking care of underline physical infrastructure are the goals for these companies.
Kasten by Veeam: Kasten is for sure a great acquisition by Veeam, and is focused on backup on the Kube environment. It’s one of the first companies landed in this field and it also build with the same “logic” of its protections sources: it’s born in a container and has plenty of features like integration with storage systems, handling and protecting multiple Kubernetes clusters and they protect quite all Kube elements with particular attention on data. For furthers on Kasten, check their official site:
I met the Kasten team some months ago, and I can confirm its a ineresting solution that is growing a lot and for sure will reserve a lot of upcoming features. If you wanna check my test on this soluton take a look at my post here.
Enrico also gave us some great hints on Data management, GDPR, and Ransomware problems and the ability for some backup and availability companies to provide a solution to analyze and prevent (or try to prevent) a lot of disasters caused by unauthorized use of data.
Metallic: is Commvault as a service in Azure and you can choose between your and their storage to save the data. For further information check their official website:
StormForge: use some AI algorithms to see and optimize running applications.
RackN: is a brilliant infrastructure-as-code solution. Even if they are a relatively small company, they are covering from bare-metal to application, to handle from the top every application.
Fortinet: the presentation was focused on network security. For sure it’s a great solution to identify and automatically prevent threats.
For furthers
I can’t close this post without giving y’all some useful links to check Enrico’s activities, to watch the recorded sessions, and for whom understand the Italian language, to listen to the recorded podcast
- Twitter and Gigaom page:
- The CloudFieldDay 13 official page:
- CloudFieldDay 13 on Youtube:
- Podcast link on Spreaker:
I’d like also to remember that this podcast is still WIP, we’re expanding on other streaming platforms and even if you’re not Italian and want to join our conversation, please contact me or Manuel by social media or in the contact form of this blog. We’re very happy to have you on this podcast and share your point of view.
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