News from cloud side #2
This is the second appointment with news coming from my channels. This time the focus is on VMware and the acquisitions, the change in the way to delivery VMware Site…
This is the second appointment with news coming from my channels. This time the focus is on VMware and the acquisitions, the change in the way to delivery VMware Site…
In this post, I’ve gathered some last interesting news came from my stream like Bitnami future with VMware, the opened door for VMworld and more… From AWS side, as Italian,…
Cloudflare, one of the most important security platform in the world, is an interesting solution for surely publish and maintain contents over the internet. The ability to handle DNS acts…
The announcement in these days is the launch of Nakivo’s beta 8.5, that for the first time in their life, embrace another virtualization platform as source and target for their…
As promised on my post here, it’s time to show how dive into vSphere scenarios generating the “infrastructure as code”. In fact, the modern cloud infrastructures are more and more…
My previous lab described here was composed by a SuperMicro E200-8D equipped with an Intel Xeon D-1528, 32GB RAM, and a single 512GB SSD. During my labs, I noticed how…
How many infrastructure administrators are repeating the same task many times? Unfortunately, it happens again and human mistakes are in the nearest corner! PowerCLI is giving a great hand that…
IT certifications are often hard to prepare. Sometimes the extensive explanations inside the official documentation (must cover every aspect) and the small amount of time for preparation bring the candidate…
Today the life of sysadmin and developers is really easy! By the use of tools like Vagrant, Terraform, Powershell, PowerCLI, Puppet (…) is possible to automate a lot of infrastructure…
Protecting virtual environments with Nakivo doesn’t require too much effort on installing, maintaining and securing workloads. In some posts, I already showed how is simple deploying Nakivo Backup and Replication…
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