This is the second appointment with news coming from my channels. This time the focus is on VMware and the acquisitions, the change in the way to delivery VMware Site Recovery Manager now available in PhotonOS and an eye to the community with Cloud Field Day 5.

VMware: PhotonOS for Site Recovery Manager

The Windows-based model for delivery VMware vSphere elements and eco-system products is leaving the step to Linux OS or appliance model. In this way, customers runnings the major part of the workload based on Linux systems, are no more forced to buy Windows license. After vCenter, now it’s the turn of Site Recovery Manager, the Disaster Recovery product that keeps DR plan healthy, improving, automating and testing the recovery workflow in order to meet the SLA and ensuring the service recovery.

For furthers check this cool article in vSphere-land blog:

VMware acquisition: After Bitnami it’s the turn for AVI Networks

In the previous post, I was talking about the intent to acquire by VMware of Bitnami. Today consider VMware only a hypervisor product could be very reductive: the company suddenly is moving from the infrastructure perspective to the application layer, providing a great place to develop, package and maintain the last generation apps. And Bitnami acquisition could be a strategic way to provide contents across cloud platforms.

After a few weeks, another news is coming out from the headquarter in Palo Alto: the acquisition of Avi Networks. This last is a very young company that has built a platform to deliver multi-cloud applications with elastic application delivery, security, and pervasive analytics across data centers and clouds.

In the AVI’s blog, in the official note, the join with VMware << represents a perfect alignment of vision, products, technology, go-to-market, and culture >>… and again << Together, VMware and Avi will build on our common architectural foundation to create the industry’s only complete L2-L7 software-defined stack.>>

From the tech perspective, AVI already provides integration with NSX which delivers a complete application service able to provide automation, load balances, and analytics. This acquisition could give to VMware another powerful card to consolidate its position in the SDN market.

In the meantime, I leave this chapter with the VMware official notes:

CloudFieldDay 5

Tech Field Day happened again with some important appointments with IT, Storage, Network, Security and Cloud. This time I highly suggest, to spend some time seeing what happened in CloudFieldDay5! This time, near important names (like VMware, Rubrick, Veeam, Cohesity), NGINX marks the second presence, covering cloud-related topics.

This also was the first time ever for Sysdig an interesting solution for the cloud-native application.

If you’re curious to see what happened? Check the recorded videos here.

The next event is planned for August… but there still no company and delegate names. Check the official page here and stay tuned!

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