Nakivo 9.1 beta is live
Nakivo is preparing for another exciting adventure with the upcoming release 9.1 with three features: Linux backup, Native backup to tape and instant verification. Let’s see in-depth. With the Linux…
Nakivo is preparing for another exciting adventure with the upcoming release 9.1 with three features: Linux backup, Native backup to tape and instant verification. Let’s see in-depth. With the Linux…
Another major release in less than 1 year is a great result for Nakivo: a demonstration of the hard-working team, that wants to stay aligned with the ecosystem release (like…
The announcement in these days is the launch of Nakivo’s beta 8.5, that for the first time in their life, embrace another virtualization platform as source and target for their…
Today the life of sysadmin and developers is really easy! By the use of tools like Vagrant, Terraform, Powershell, PowerCLI, Puppet (…) is possible to automate a lot of infrastructure…
We cannot conclude the year with the last release from Nakivo’s house. As described in beta, version 8.1 comes with Policy-Based Data Protection which introduces an interesting automation layer for…
Just some weeks ago, the Nakivo 7.5 was released with important changes and improvement; just check here for further. As an update from release 7.5 announcement article, the Automated Site…
Il tema dei dati e della availability in ambito ICT costituisce ancora oggi una sfida: nuove tecnologie, l’adozione del cloud, il data lake e le nuove applicazioni digitali, impongono livelli…
Hi folks! The reuse of ex-vsan hosts could be a painful process if they are simply deleted from vCenter. In fact the correct host decommission from vSAN cluster is realized…
Active Directory object recovery is the Nakivo’s feature that starting from a “simple” VM backup is able to recover Active directory objects. The only prerequisite is the licensing level: only…
Il 7 Giugno si terrĂ il VeeamON Forum a Monza: un importante appuntamento sulla data protection e availability negli ambienti virtuali e non solo… L’autodromo di Monza sarĂ la splendida…
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