Nakivo B&R v.9.1 is live! After two months from the launch of the public beta (my post here), the works of the Silicon Valley company headed by Bruce Talley, announces another important milestone which includes the physical server protection and the native backup on tape. Let’s see in-depth.

Tape still remains!

How many companies are still using tape libraries to guarantee their long term backups? Effectively, in some cases, backing up to VTLs results still more expensive than the physical tape. In other scenarios, some companies are still afraid to leave the old term backups made using this media.

Personally, I don’t like this kind of way to store and handle old terms data, but watching the actual state of things, Tape is still living and handle backup scheduling, tape movements and data location is still a challenge. For this reason, this Nakivo’s feature is able to govern all things around tape simplifying the maintenance and easily find and restore long term backup.

Physical backups

Why backup physical server? Unfortunately, there’s a piece of the IT world that is running in a physical environment. I already talked in quite all posts that if there aren’t strict hardware dependencies, all software should run in a virtual environment.

Excluding the cultural reticence, the reason why the physical workload is still present in the data center is bounded to the Service Level Agreements: a lot of enterprises are still thinking about the best strategy to achieve this objective, but they found really difficult to find the way. In fact, the amount of time required to achieve the whole migration process could cause unacceptable service downtime.
Anyway, the need to keep safe data and recover services in case of a disaster is one of the factors that brought Nakivo to developing this feature: << One solution to keep virtual, cloud and physical server protected >>. By the way, it’s possible to restore to virtual or cloud infrastructure, solving two problems with one solution.

I wanna remind you that it’s possible to try all these features simply download the Trial here:

NAKIVO, Inc. is a privately-held company founded in 2012. NAKIVO develops a fast, reliable, and affordable data protection solution for VMware, Hyper-V, and cloud environments.

Download Free Trial here:

This post is sponsored by Nakivo, Inc. Thoughts and experiences come from my own.

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