Policy-Based Data Protection with Nakivo
The coming of version 8.1 of Nakivo, signs an important improvement that is suddenly moving this Data Protection suite to a large deployment scenario. Policy-Based Data Protection is the Nakivo’s…
The coming of version 8.1 of Nakivo, signs an important improvement that is suddenly moving this Data Protection suite to a large deployment scenario. Policy-Based Data Protection is the Nakivo’s…
How many infrastructure administrators are repeating the same task many times? Unfortunately, it happens again and human mistakes are in the nearest corner! PowerCLI is giving a great hand that…
IT certifications are often hard to prepare. Sometimes the extensive explanations inside the official documentation (must cover every aspect) and the small amount of time for preparation bring the candidate…
Protecting virtual environments with Nakivo doesn’t require too much effort on installing, maintaining and securing workloads. In some posts, I already showed how is simple deploying Nakivo Backup and Replication…
NSX is now a proven technology that really increases the network reliability by introducing an overlay and reducing the overhead for secure VM to VM communication (East-West traffic). VMware started…
We cannot conclude the year with the last release from Nakivo’s house. As described in beta, version 8.1 comes with Policy-Based Data Protection which introduces an interesting automation layer for…
Inizia il mese di Dicembre con un interessante appuntamento sull’Hybrid Cloud by VMware e IBM che si terrĂ “comodamente” online il 5 Dicembre dalle ore 12:00 alle ore 12:30. Sempre…
Last news coming from Nakivo regard the launch of beta 8.1 with Policy-based Data Protection which introduces a new way to manage backup. In fact, setting up a simple policy…
VMword Europe 2018 is about to begin! After an intense campaign of news, announcements, rumors, party, sessions, and funnies the time to start the journey has come! In this post,…
Today, during architecture design, the choices from old, converged and the hyper-converged infrastructures are strictly bound to capacity metrics and performance metrics which a required by the application. Analyzing the…
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