VMworld 2016 Europe–Diary of a extreme N00b vExpert
Finally here: after hopes, reading blogs, plans and many fun facts around this event I realized that my first attend to VMworld is not a usual first timer experience. That’s…
Finally here: after hopes, reading blogs, plans and many fun facts around this event I realized that my first attend to VMworld is not a usual first timer experience. That’s…
In these days, and after 5 years of development (test and beta included), windows server 2016 GA is available for download. One of the coolest staff of this release is…
Gli annunci da parte dei vendor negli ultimi anni vedono apparire i container come la tecnologia definitiva per lo sviluppo delle applicazioni. Le aziende però rimangono restie al cambiamento, negando…
The next era of portability is called Docker. IMHO Old and new application should be developed keeping in mind the separation between application and data, and in my coaching experience…
Some changes in Ubuntu distribution could impact to docker daemon settings on boot and one of that regards the options in /etc/default/docker. After many test I realize that, the file…
Monitoring docker host could be a painful operation that could require too much configurations under every container that are running in the same host. In my case if you are…
Developing through containers is not only a fashion wave for coding in your PC/MAC (aka devbox) using library limitless, but a real opportunity to operate from dev to production environemnts…
This how-to shows how to write a simple python code to retreive informations about a vDatacenter resources consumption. Python could use 2 method: hard using vSphere rest api easy by…
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