My first vExpert NSX!
This morning I woke up with a great news (and a lot of Twitter notifications): The vExpert NSX 2018 list is official! This is my first time I was nominated…
This morning I woke up with a great news (and a lot of Twitter notifications): The vExpert NSX 2018 list is official! This is my first time I was nominated…
In these days, it’s announced the availability of the contents for VMworld 2018, the most important event of the world about virtualization and cloud, which is going to take place…
Il VMware Users Group Italia riparte finalmente con i meeting dell’anno 2018. Infatti sono in programma per il mese di Aprile due appuntamenti rispettivamente al Sud e al Nord: Il…
Ok Folks, vExpert 2018 awards is official! This is the 4th year I’ve received this recognition for my involvement in community sharing, showing and spreading my passion for VMware technologies.…
Few weeks ago, I had the pleasure to participate at HPE Discover 2017 in Madrid. I’m really proud to be chosen in a influencers list composed by bloggers (some of…
During this my second VMworld EU participation I dedicated a lot of time meeting people and sharing ideas and contents with other friends. I think, this is the key to…
Dopo quasi un anno di lavoro finalmente il 14 Novembre a Milano, presso l’NH Conference Center di Assago si è svolta la UserCON 2017, cioè la conferenza più importante del…
Last month I partecipate at my first JeffConf in Milan, a community conference focused on Serverless and Function as a Service. For newbie, serverless doesn’t mean develop without server (impossible),…
Dopo i meeting al Nord e al Sud Italia e il VMworld 2017 a Barcellona, arriva finalmente il momento più atteso dell’anno: la UserCON 2017. Vediamo in dettaglio… Durante il…
It happened again, like the last year, VMTN {code} staff with Alan Renouf, William Lam, Tim Bonnemann (and others in VMTN staff) have spent a lot of time and energy…
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