Protecting physical and virtual datacenter with Vembu
Data protection is still a challenge for many companies which are looking for a solution to perform backup data and do more. My last research about backup solutions landed to…
Data protection is still a challenge for many companies which are looking for a solution to perform backup data and do more. My last research about backup solutions landed to…
Today server virtualization is standard de facto, adopted in small and large companies to guarantee the best available system manageability and efficiency. The problem of the caring systems in some…
After half a year from my first Silicon Valley experience during Cloud Field Day 2, I’ve gathered some useful info like trends, news and hints in cloud strategies of this…
This is the beginning of my study notes, written in preparation of VPC6-NV exam. The requirements to attend this exam are the followings: If you’re new candidate you must attend…
During the last year, two big announcements happened in Hewlett Packard Enterprise: the enterprise company reborn from a spinoff of the one of the oldest IT company in the world…
Dopo quasi un anno di lavoro finalmente il 14 Novembre a Milano, presso l’NH Conference Center di Assago si è svolta la UserCON 2017, cioè la conferenza più importante del…
Last month I partecipate at my first JeffConf in Milan, a community conference focused on Serverless and Function as a Service. For newbie, serverless doesn’t mean develop without server (impossible),…
Dopo i meeting al Nord e al Sud Italia e il VMworld 2017 a Barcellona, arriva finalmente il momento più atteso dell’anno: la UserCON 2017. Vediamo in dettaglio… Durante il…
Nakivo marks another important milestone: during VMworld 2017, the emergent company situated in Silicon Vally, goes out with the version 7.2, which near some usability feature, improves the ability to…
Building “servers” in AWS is a funny play: one credential to access in multiple data centers spreaded across the globe, and few clicks to be able to launch instances… and…
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