Next week, HPE Discover is going to take place. This year due to travel restrictions, the event will happen in a virtual edition to let people attend live and on-demand sessions, staying at home.

During these last years, HPE has gained an interesting portfolio of products and services that are really competing in the market of the hybrid cloud solution, empowering the on-premise infrastructures and opening to service models that really improve services at affordable costs. Three years ago I had the opportunity to attend HPE Discover in Madrid, and meet experts, customers, and community leaders (my wrap-up here). And today I had another opportunity to participate as an influencer… let’s see in-depth.

The importance today of a cloud-ready solution

We’re crossing a particular moment of our life, where the security in the social interactions and the increase of the remote services are accelerating the transaction of the digitalization of the work. In Italy like the other States, the Covid-19 experience has pushed definitely a lot of small ad mid-sized companies to the adoption of cloud solutions (private and public) for their business. So remote working, electronic transactions, and virtual ways to do business are the way to avoid business losses.

HPE for years is believing in the Software-Defined, Hybrid-cloud, edge, and data solution. And, for sure, in this period the verticalization of the solutions is the key to answer fast and better on this demand explosion especially on the critical sectors like scientific research and healthcare (check and interesting page here).

The event: Guests and appointments

The event inspiration is the world of sports, healthcare, and technology in general. In fact, it’s announced the presence of Lewis Hamilton (6 times Formula One Champion) and other important names of the worldwide sports scene, to demonstrate how to keep a performance level during pressure moments. Then experiences, real-world cases, and technical sessions are the main ingredients of this event.

HPE Discover officially starts on the 23rd of June and is divided into 3 schedules according to America, Europe, and APJ timezone. So, for EMEA the start date is 24th with the following agenda:

  • 9:30 am: Welcome to Day 1 from the Discover Studios
  • 10:00 am: Keynote by Antonio Neri
  • 11:00 am: Bringing the Cloud Experience to All Your Apps and Data, Now with Keith White
  • 12:00 pm: Reimagine your Entire Tech Estate with Irv Rothman
  • 12:30 pm: Performance Under Pressure Panel
  • 1:00 pm: Day 1 re-cap and highlights with interviews and special guests from the Discover Studios
  • 12:30 ā€“ 2:30 pm: Expert-led demos offered Live on the hour and half hour

Then the next day:

  • 9:30 am: Welcome to Day 2 from the Discover Studios
  • 10:00 am: Define Your Edge: Harnessing the Power of Data with Keerti Melkote
  • 11:00 am: Intel: AI Success with Systems that Move, Store and Process Data Anywhere with Monica Livingston
  • 12:00 pm: Women Leaders in Technology: Leading Through Recovery
  • 12:30 pm: Business of Sports Panel
  • 1:00 pm: Day 2 re-cap and highlights with interviews and special guests from the Discover Studios
  • 12:30 ā€“ 2:30 pm: Expert-led demos offered Live on the hour and half hour

Check the official website for further information:… and stay tuned for next… and don’t forget to watch the video message of the “Storage Godfather”:

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