With 3 years from my last DCV certification exam, I tried with success VCP6 Delta certification exam. Could I be the last from re-certification people? I don’t know but, sure, from version 4 to 6 the exam difficulty is increased. Let’s see in depth.

A new certification track

The introduction of associate certification is what VMware was missing in the past to be aligned with other vendor’s certification program. This could be useful to make more rich you CV while the Professional level still remain a powerful certification for personal and company recognition during pre-sales, post-sales and deployment.


The introduction of VCIX is a recognition achievement that was previously missing in v.5 track. Like to say: << Hey with both advanced certification you earn a new status level! Enjoy>>

Other changes are about the arguments:

  • Design exam see only few design question in 3 hours! WOW, thinking about my two fails in the version 5, I realize that this changes finally could be useful to increase the chances for passing. In fact this exam now is focused only on design and ITIL/PMP Foundations.
  • Professional level bring some questions that in the previous version came from DCD and DCA. For this reason the exam difficulty is increased.

Keeping VCP6-DCV and checking Blueprint (https://mylearn.vmware.com/mgrReg/plan.cfm?plan=64180&ui=www_cert) you see arguments like Security, Troubleshooting and advanced availability feature, that seems a piece of old VCAP outlines.

Before sitting the exam

New candidate must study quite all topics from official documentation. I suggest to try Associate exam before, as an assessment of your knowledge. Then Hands on Labs (or your vDatacenter), official doc and configuration maximum are what you need to pass the exam. Oh I forgot! One of requirement before sitting to exam, is the attendance of a official course. I know: time, money and poor preparation! Not at all! For newbe, this could be a great hand to start your study. Checking the available courses, instead of beginner level like “Install Confiure and Manage”, you could move through advanced topic like “Optimize and Scale”, “Troubleshooting” or “Design and Deploy”. I remember my first mandatory course, was Troubleshooting. This was really strong and useful for me and my job! (Thanks to my fisrt teacher, Fabio Camanzi).

Note: new argouments, like vSAN and vRO, are included in this version. Check the documentation and pay attention to constrains, design foundations and troubleshooting.

Existing Candidate have no mandatory course. Delta exam is what you must pass to bring VCP6 certification. Like new candidate, Hands on Labs, Doc and Config Max are the best way to prepare; but you could also consider to study from these unofficial study notes:

Route in or route out?

At the end of this last personal/professional challenge I’m reflecting if continue the path to advanced exams and/or change paths to Network virtualization, the important thing is improve the knowledge. K.i.t.

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