We made it! After some thinking and re-thinking and troubles to find a time, format, and people, just a few days before the end of 2021, me and my friend Manuel Coppotelli, recorded the first episode of <<The Pipeline Guys>> a podcast series focused on Cloud, Cloud-Native Applications, Automations, and Infrastructure. We’re planning to have also some guests (Italian and International) coming from communities, influencer groups but also vendors, customers, system integrators. If you’re interested please reach me and Manuel on our social media or through the following channels:

  • Twitter: @ThePipelineGuys
  • Twitch: thepipelineguys

The podcast is mainly in the Italian language, but we don’t exclude running some episodes in English. For now, if you understand the Italian language here you can find podcast #0 about the team presentation, the format, and some news collected during 2021. Here is the summary of the episode:

For sure there are a lot of technical improvements and for the next podcast we change the equipment (new tests are ok but let’s see it during our next appointment). So stay tuned on Twitter (follow us!) and if you want to participate (Italian and International people) or simply to give some suggestions, reach us via Twitter, mail, or directly on Twitch!


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