VMware Explore 2023, one of the most significant virtualization and cloud events globally, held by VMware is definitely starting with the first step in Las Vegas on 21st-24th August (next week). Even though I won’t be participating, I would still like to share a few words about it, while also gathering essential suggestions from the community.

After Broadcom, is there a new direction?

It has been a year since Broadcom’s acquisition, and despite initial concerns, rumors, and some activity in the financial market, it appears that this operation is progressing toward consolidation without jeopardizing VMware’s leadership. The company continues to provide support for all types of processors, particularly in the storage space.

Reviewing the article that was published on July 12th on SDxCentral, following a thorough analysis by the European Commission (EC), Broadcom has achieved a significant regulatory victory in its longstanding pursuit of acquiring VMware. What I consider important, particularly from a technical standpoint, is that <<Broadcom offered to guarantee access to its APIs and technical support for the development and certification of third-party FC HBAs, including access via an open-source license to the source code for all of Broadcom’s current and future FC HBA drivers; interoperability with VMware server virtualization software; and providing third parties access to this information at the same time that Broadcom gains access.>>.

If you want to read the whole article just check it on SDxCentral: https://www.sdxcentral.com/articles/news/broadcoms-vmware-acquisition-gains-ec-approval-uk-and-us-still-reviewing/2023/07/ …and also the post appeared the same day in the news section of Broadcom’s official website: https://www.broadcom.com/company/news/financial-releases/61306.

Tech News… any anticipation?

One of the significant reasons to participate in VMware Explore is the unveiling of new products and features slated for upcoming releases. Undoubtedly, VMware’s portfolio is robust and comprehensive, encompassing products designed to address core IT and cloud domains, including virtualization, Software Defined Networking (SDN), datacenters, as well as Cloud and Cloud-Native applications. This array of tools facilitates seamless initiation, management, and transition to these technologies, both from the ground up and within the existing infrastructure.

I can’t anticipate any content before the event, but if you’re joining the event, you’ll have a great moment to hot-take news and have the chance to participate in great conversations with technical people that, for sure, are really happy to show and discuss VMware’s technology and their eco-system partners.

I cannot provide any insights into the content ahead of the event. However, if you’re attending the event, you’ll have an excellent opportunity to catch the latest news and participate in insightful conversations with technical experts. These individuals are undoubtedly enthusiastic about showcasing and discussing VMware’s technology alongside their ecosystem partners.

The list of participating companies is available here: https://event.vmware.com/flow/vmware/explore2023lv/exhibitorlisting/page/exhibitorlisting

{code} hackathon is back!

One of the reasons why participating in VMware Explore 2023 is the Hackathon! Even if you’re not a “coder”, is it possible to join a team to build “something” and learn something new! This is definitely the most creative moment of the event.

Since 2016 VMware is organizing this moment during VMworld in US and in EU to let the participant join a team with a captain and start hacking a project or a product or inventing something that still not exists. There are no coding rules and a jury will evaluate what you have done according to several skills and soft skills: like teambuilding, future community involvements, funny moments, the ability to make this a VMware Flings or being integrated into official products, etc…

Even if I’m not participating in this Hackathon edition (I’ll be present in Barcelona in November) I’d like to share the {code} page with the Teams that are challenging next week with their project: https://blogs.vmware.com/code/2023/08/18/hackathon-vmware-explore-2023-the-projects/

Community and funny moments!

I can’t leave this post without mentioning the community that really rise my career and, more important, connected me with a lot of cool people that I’m missing in US but I’ll meet in EU: VMware Users Group and vCommunty VMTN.

I’m a part of VMUG as a volunteer since 2015, and with my friends, I’m contributing to the organization of VMUG events in Italy. Using the VMUG terminology, we’re leaders but the most important part of the community are the people that are participating in the event, contributing with their content, and enjoying one of the most important communities in the world.

VMUG is present at booth 607 but is also organizing the Community Party on 22nd August from 7:00 to 10:00 pm PST. For further information, check the official page: https://www.vmug.com/vmug-at-vmware-explore/

vExpert is an important part of VMTN that is recognizing enthusiasts, leaders, and experts that spend time contributing and sharing knowledge inside and outside their working contexts. If you’re a vExpert you can’t miss the vExpert party (you can find details in the Events and Opportunity section of the vExpert portal https://vexpert.vmware.com/my/opportunities )

Last but not least, don’t forget Lab sessions in {code} booth using ChatGPT API Interface! Here is the schedule link

I leave this post with a useful link where you can find all party and funnies gathered in a single page: https://vmblog.com/archive/2023/06/29/vmwareexplore-2023-us-party-list-and-events.aspx

Have a nice conference!

By admin

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