In these days, it’s announced the availability of the contents for VMworld 2018, the most important event of the world about virtualization and cloud, which is going to take place in two dates:

Starting from 2016, I had the pleasure to attend at the Europe date in Barcelona, as a blogger. My first participation to this event changed my life, increasing my knowledge and networks and starting blogging and mentoring. And now, anticipating my next participation, I’d like to share tips and expectations focusing on Europe edition at Barcelona.

What you’ll find?

I can simply say: this a full immersion in the virtualization and cloud world, where meet enthusiasts and professionals and stay tuned with news and announcements from VMware and share impressions, designs, funny things,… This event is really dense of moments shared between breakout sessions, parties, Hackathon,… For this reason I suggest to build your agenda (Google Calendar is your friend!) and make decision of what is important to attend!

VMworld opens the doors on Sunday with registration and the first community moment (not an official party):

  • in the afternoon you could register and take goodies and ticket
  • in the evening you should attend to vRockstar (stay tuned for if it will happen again… check here).
  • alternatively in the evening you can eat a mega-burger at Pim Pam Burger.

Officially VMworld starts on Monday with registration and partner/TAM meetings and the first night is dedicated to party and community moment (stay tuned again for its organization). If you aren’t partner or TAM, you could use this time to take Hand On Labs, certification exam (with a special discount), meet people or simply visit Barcelona (for me it’s the only chance to grab some presents for family).

Tuesday and Wednesday are dedicated to keynote in the mornings and breakout session in the rest of the day (check the content catalog here). During these days you should take some time to visit solutions exchange: the area dedicated to VMware booths, partners like Veeam, Nakivo, Rubrik, Cohesity, HPE, DELLEMC… and communities: don’t forget to stop at vmug booth!

Thursday is the closing day. Before leaving, it’s used to gather last information, follow last sessions and take time to visit the last booth at Solution Exchange.

Check the official agenda here:

Party, Party, Party…

Parties are the best community/network moments to find enthusiasts, relax and have fun! Every year my annual appointments include vExpert, VMware and Veeam party.

During my last two VMworld I attended the Hackathon but I was not able to participate at vmug and other parties which took place in the same night! I think I’ll do the same this year (if the Hackathon will happen again) because I love code and play with other mate… but don’t forget that in general every night something will happen with party or funny moments you could participate.

Stay and Transportation

If you have a ticket for VMworld, but you must pay travel and stay, I suggest to book the hotel right now, because prices are low if book early, and November is cheaper than the other months. in general,  Barca is not an expensive city, and you could find several solution depending on your budget. In all cases my suggestion is to choose central places for the stay, closest to “Ramblas”, Universitad, Diagonal… and don’t be worried about the transportation because this city is well-connected and Fira is reachable with underground. Don’t forget to ask for 10 ticket carnet free at VMworld reception desk during registration.

Taxi is not expensive, and you can share with your friends a lot of trips reducing the cost. Don’t forget to download “My Taxi” App.

Seems that Uber landed there too, but I haven’t try yet. I’ll give you a feedback after my next visit (check my Twitter)

The main point of interests in Barcelona and the major part of the party are in the central zone or in front of the sea. So many places are reachable by foot, without any transportation. Don’t forget to wear comfortable shoes!

My suggestion: never walk alone during the night out of the main streets. Barcelona is a big city, and like other big cities suffers the same criminality issues. For this reason, in the night, bring the necessary things such as ID card, needed moneys, phone and leave the PC/Mac and non necessary valued stuffs in the hotel!

Five reasons why should go to VMworld

  1. Stay tuned with news and announcements about virtualization and cloud
  2. Meet people and expand your network
  3. Attempt virtualization exams (discounted) or try the newest hands on lab
  4. Grab swags, goodies and opportunities and participate in some prize competitions
  5. Participate to parties and other community moments and enjoy your stay!

For further information, registration and logistic details just check the official website and my next posts! Hope to see you there!

By admin

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