Just few hours ago, another important Nakivo’s release is being available with some improvements and new interesting features. First of all, this new version come with the support for VMware vSphere 6.7. From NAS side there are two new improvements with the support for Netgear ReadyNAS and DDBost, a proven speed effective feature on DellEMC DataDomain (99% deduplication at source).

Then there two important new features which deserve particular mention and could be well applied in a lot of Disaster Recovery projects, where workflow and lift-and-shift are the new mantra for an Enterprise Class Disaster Backup and Recovery solution. In fact this announcement marks an important milestone in Naklvo’s product life-cycle and in its journey of the data and service availability. Now starting from inventory objects and replication job/failover is possible realize a true Disaster Recovery Workflow. Let’s see in-depth…

Finally a DR workflow

When we think about disaster recovery we used to put the attention to data replication solutions like mirroring storage or implement availability software. Before this release, Nakivo’s replication job was more and more enriched of interesting features like reIP, network change,… But we know, Disaster Recovery is a mix of technology, organization and procedures which are involved in during emergencies. In particular the procedure is what determine if a DR plan is operative for the source and target infrastructure.

Now in Nakivo, after configuring a replication job (ensuring the correct RPO), is possible create one or more site recovery jobs.

Then is possible test the DR plan, download the report and in case of emergency, press the Red Button, simply running site recovery job.

Another interesting use case is the usage of DR workflow for planned migrations. In fact using a DR site as new production site could avoid operative mistakes testing and executing migration with an high automation level.

Breaking the Hypervisor boundaries

Breaking the hypervisor boundaries means gain the freedom to move/restore the workload across multiple data center regardless the hypervisor. This new release gives the ability to export backup files in order to be restored in Hyper-V or KVM based data center.

Further information and download are available here: https://www.nakivo.com/resources/releases/v7.5/

NAKIVO, Inc. is a privately-held company founded in 2012. NAKIVO develops a fast, reliable, and affordable data protection solution for VMware, Hyper-V, and cloud environments.

Download Free Trial here: https://www.nakivo.com/resources/download/trial-download/

This post is sponsored by Nakivo, Inc. Thoughts and experiences come from my own.





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