Nakivo 9.3 in beta is available to be download and test. Despite the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic, Nakivo’s developers are working hard to new features that really improve the backup administrator’s life to simplify the protection and the availability of every IT element.

In a lot of deployment, Oracle, due to its licensing and conditions, is still a “piece of iron” in the data-center: unfortunately, it’s excluded in the major part of the virtualization transition. So today, in mid and big companies, it’s usual to find an Oracle deployment with its own eco-system, like hardware, protection software, etc.

Anyway even if you are virtual or in physical and you’ve purchased the right license, the best way to protect Oracle databases, is by using the Recovery Manager (RMAN).

Today Nakivo is showing in preview the ability to speed Oracle backup protection using RMAN, reducing the administrative complexity and bringing a single view of the protection in cloud, virtual and physical environment.

If you’d like to participate in this beta program, simply check the official page here: …and don’t forget to don’t use this version to protect production environment or substitute the old Nakivo version already in production. Just wait for the final release.

NAKIVO, Inc. is a privately-held company founded in 2012. NAKIVO develops a fast, reliable, and affordable data protection solution for VMware, Hyper-V, and cloud environments.

Download Free Trial here:

This post is sponsored by Nakivo, Inc. Thoughts and experiences come from my own.

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