With more than 650.000 copies download, this could be the definitive Swiss knife that every system administrator/design should have to make assessment and design.

This Windows .NET application, really extracts all the information from a vCenter.

You have to try at least once!

Other the the ability to export in xlsx format, one of the coolest thing I appreciate is the vHealth: a feature that goes deep inside a VM and catches some issues that could be important in many scenarios, like:

  • vmdk space availability
  • inconsistent folder name: it happens when you trying rename a VM
  • zombie vmdk in the filesystem


Here the complete version info: http://www.robware.net/rvtools/version/

Download here: http://www.robware.net/rvtools/

…and huge congrats to Rob de Veij for this great work! Follow @rvtools

By admin

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