Preparing VMware certification exams could be not easy, especially if your working days are full of activities and you haven’t enough time to read the exhaustive documentation that is available on the documentation section in the official website. In order to prepare the exam the first thing to check is the “Blueprint“: the list of the contents you must study (or review) in order to pass.
If the blueprint traces the route to what you’ve to study, this exam guide will drive you of what really matters and what should be demonstrated with practical examples. Remember: to pass the VCP exam, study and practice become prerequisites… and this book will aid in this preparation.
After a little preface, the book is composed of 12 chapter covering the 10 objectives included in the blueprint plus two mock tests to check the overall knowledge. Other than the concepts, the book improves the knowledge giving tips and real-life examples.
This book is available as e-book format or printed version on Packt and Amazon:
- Amazon:
- Packt:
Thanks to the authors: Andrea Mauro, Paolo Valsecchi. Really great work!