This post is just a littel review of two docker images that could aid developer and sysadmin to execute scripted task. From sysadmin perspective it doesn’t change a lot from using client installed version of powercli and navicli, but IMHO it could be more confortable in some off-premise scenarios.


Naviseccli is a linux software; for this reason the porting to container was not much difficult: let’s see my Dockerfile

FROM ubuntu:latest 
MAINTAINER Lino "Jan" Telera <[email protected]>

ADD /tmp/naviseccli.deb

RUN dpkg -i /tmp/naviseccli.deb

env PATH /opt/Navisphere/bin/:$PATH

WORKDIR /opt/Navisphere/bin/

Simply lanuch the container with this command:

docker run --rm -i naviseccli -Scope 0 –Address <spa/b ip address> –User <user> –Password <password> getagent

and here’s the result


Enjoy and let me know issues and improvements


Thanks to William Lam (@lamw) for the porting, there is a vmware official image here:

In my test I was able to show my vDC hosts including my script in the container execution:

docker run --rm -i -v /c///<dir>//<owercli_script_dir>:/script vmware/powerclicore powershell "& '/script/sample-script.ps1'"

And here my result:



By admin

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