Cool Startups at #CPIT2
Some weeks ago Campus Party Italy, one of the greatest Italian event for Startups and HiTech passionate, took place for the second time in Milan. I was not officially invited…
Some weeks ago Campus Party Italy, one of the greatest Italian event for Startups and HiTech passionate, took place for the second time in Milan. I was not officially invited…
Il tema dei dati e della availability in ambito ICT costituisce ancora oggi una sfida: nuove tecnologie, l’adozione del cloud, il data lake e le nuove applicazioni digitali, impongono livelli…
This morning I woke up with a great news (and a lot of Twitter notifications): The vExpert NSX 2018 list is official! This is my first time I was nominated…
Hi folks! The reuse of ex-vsan hosts could be a painful process if they are simply deleted from vCenter. In fact the correct host decommission from vSAN cluster is realized…
After my last vSAN deploy based on three Lenovo (IBM) x3650-M5 equipped with MegaRAID M5210 and 2 Cache and 4 Capacity disks, I discover from vSAN health section that a…
Just few hours ago, another important Nakivo’s release is being available with some improvements and new interesting features. First of all, this new version come with the support for VMware…
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