Have ever heard about Tech Field Day (http://techfieldday.com/)?
The scope of these events is meet enterprise vendors tech leaders (absolutely technical people!) and independent like bloggers, experts, etc. focused on wireless, storage, networking and also Data, Mobility and Cloud: <<bring together innovative IT product vendors and independent thought leaders to share information and opinions in a presentation and discussion format. Independent bloggers, speakers, freelance writers, and podcasters have a public presence that has immense influence on the ways that products and companies are perceived and by IT practitioners>>
Well! on these days Stephen Foskett, TFD Leader, has invited me to attend as delegate during WMworld days.
Hope to be a good delegate and many thanks to Stephen, I’m honored to be in this day also with my vmug friends Andrea, Pietro and Max.
All details here: http://techfieldday.com/event/evmwe16/