Finally is official: VMware has announced the vExpert 2019 awards and I’m honored to see my name in the list for the fifth time! (My profile here)

As written before, vExpert is a person who spends a lot of time in the community (or in their company), blogging or informing and sharing VMware and cloud-related contents with his peers, mate or simply interested people. This is not a technical certification and the achievement depends on these kinds of activities reached during the past 2018.

As a VMUG leader, I’m directly involved in local and international communities, organizing and contributing to Italian events and sharing knowledge, experiences, contributions, and funnies… (and if you’re reading this blog, probably you’ll find a lot of contents coming from my experiences with VMware products and their integrations)

There are some benefits in vExpert programs like NFR licenses, reserved opportunities and special goodies coming from VMware and related companies, but, for me, seeing my name near a lot of great people is the best recognition.

vExpert directory here:

As I said every year: this award is the fuel to do more year by year. Thanks to #vCommunity and thanks to Corey and all VMTN staff for making this happen every year! I want to dedicate this moment to my family for supporting me every day.

By admin

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