HashiConf 2024 wrapped up with some exciting announcements. Although I couldn’t attend this year (definitely the last time I miss it!), I didn’t want to wait too long before sharing some of the standout features I found interesting. Let’s dive in and take a closer look at the highlights.

Terraform Stacks (public beta)

This is likely the most significant news from infrastructure management: the ability to compose and execute multiple configurations and modules. It’s a welcome feature, especially for large-scale deployments involving multiple roles and complex infrastructure lifecycle processes. The first use case that comes to mind is multi-cloud deployments, where a single resource needs to be present across multiple environments or regions.


Example: The Kubernetes and namespace components are repeated across three regions using three deployments.

For more details, check out the official page: https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/terraform-stacks-explained

Automatic secret management with HCP Vault Secrets

This might just be the missing feature I’ve been looking for, especially in my lab setup with Terraform Cloud: a more efficient integration with HCP Vault secrets through Workload Identity Federation (WIF). This feature enables seamless management and synchronization of credentials across infrastructures, simplifying authentication handling. Additionally, syncing with Terraform allows for integration with HCP Terraform workspace variables and variable sets, enhancing overall workflow efficiency.

Secrets sync workflow

This feature also supports auto-rotation and dynamic secrets, enabling the management of short-lived credentials for platform integrations with Google Cloud and AWS (currently in beta).

For further check the official post: https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/hcp-vault-secrets-adds-enterprise-capabilities-for-auto-rotation-dynamic-secrets  

Other announcements

These are the features I found particularly interesting and relevant to my work, but I can’t wrap up this post without mentioning a few other key announcements:

  • HCP Packer CI/CD pipeline metadata (now GA) and bucket-level RBAC (GA)
  • Terraform migration and lifecycle management (public beta)
  • Nomad enhanced GPU support (GA)
  • HCP Waypoint (GA)
  • Vault Radar
  • Boundary 0.18 (GA) with Transparent Sessions

For anyone interested in exploring more, there are plenty of resources available online, especially on YouTube, with demos and community-created content covering HashiConf 2024 highlights and insights across the HashiCorp ecosystem.

You can find the official announcement pages here:


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